Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Experimenting with the code

REVIT API : Project 2
Experimenting with the code

This project taught me many new concepts I didn't know about, or was too afraid to learn.
C# express is a completely new, intriguing and very interesting new language that I found myself wanting to know more about.

In this project, I first started experimenting with a sample template that allowed us to control color and thickness of different elements randomly.

I started by creating a simple mass, or panels. I assigned each one a different component:
1- Curtain panel by patterns
2- A surface with adaptive component decoration
3- Curtain system wall

After finishing experimenting with the simple panels, I tried to create the same effect on a more complex and parametrically modeled project.

After running into many errors, I was able to realize different effects on the surface of my form.
First, I started by creating big panels and assigning different thicknesses and colors to each one of them.

Then I decided to make the grid smaller, increase the number of panels and decrease their sizes.

Here is a representation of the different codes I applied to the same object.

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